My birthday celebration sort of occurred over the span of a week instead of just one day - thanks Mom for teaching me that birthday celebrations can last longer than a day. It started when we took a journey north for the weekend. The main reason for the trip was to get all my invites photographed for my new website (hopefully to be launched and blogged about soon). Nick didn't want me to go alone so we decided to make a weekend out of it. We took off Friday night after Nick got off work and drove through a blizzard for most of the drive. Driving through a blizzard in a Mini Cooper was not the most exciting thing I've ever done in my life. Luckily we survived, thanks to Nick and his awesome driving skills. I can't imagine if I'd have gone up by myself and had to drive through that. I probably would've just pulled over and let the snow bury me. We had a really fun weekend though. We stayed at "Hotel de Platt" (thanks so much Mikki for letting us invade your home) and spent all of Saturday afternoon shopping. Just so happens it was our 6 month anniversary that Sunday so we decided to head on up to Gateway and go on a little shopping-plus-dinner-and-a-movie date...the very best kind! It was freezing that night so we bought ourselves beanies to help keep us warm. The Christmas lights at Gateway were great - so great we decided they should probably count for Temple Square (I know, we're such slackers - but we're from the land of warmth so this cold was not welcome). Overall, it was the perfect anniversary/birthday kickoff weekend.

Actual birthday day was a little more low-key. Nick had just gotten back from a 2-1/2 day job in Malibu so he was pretty spent. We slept in, went and got me some chunky cinnamon french toast from Kneaders (drive-thru style cause we slept in), lunch at Durangos, Christmas shopped, went to our niece (still weird to say our niece) Kiley's dance recital, and wrapped up the night with dinner at Pasta Factory with our friends.
Glad we could help celebrate. Love you girl!