August 31, 2011

mia 'lord voldemort' eggertz. most commonly known as mia.

Mia is the third member of our family and has been even before we were married so I decided that she is worthy of her own personal blog post. We got Mia a little over two years ago. My boss had decided that my job for the day was to take two kittens he had found in his yard to the pound. They were in this intimidating metal cage and so small (probably too small to be away from their mom) and there was no way that I was going to take them to the pound and be responsible for their possible death! I immediately text Nick and ask him how he would feel about adopting a kitty - of course attaching a photo of the two cats making it literally impossible to turn this offer down. So Nick says yes and picks what kitty he wanted which ended up being the cuter of the two. I also thought she was the nicer one...haha. 

Naming Mia was quite the task. Nick was set on Lord Voldemort but I kept telling him that everyone would fear to say her name and besides, she was a girl kitty not a boy. So we compromised on Mia Lord Voldemort Eggertz. I still to this day think that her middle name jinxed us and made her the Dark Lord ;) We still love her though - even though she's the most spastic cat we've ever met.

Awesome Facts About Mia:
  • She had fleas when we first got her.
  • Instead of being loving and cuddly she prefers biting and scratching. 
  • She plays fetch like a dog. I'm dead serious.  
  • She's very photogenic. Whenever I go to take a picture of her she looks right at the camera. 
  • Every time (and I mean every time) we sit down to eat Mia thinks it's time to take a poop in her litter. 
  • She is always jumping off our walls (this cat has serious hops) to attack light reflections so we bought a laser to tease her. She is determined to catch the light one day. 
  • She prefers toilet and shower water over her bowl of water. 
  • She's always burrowing herself between things - mainly Nick and me when we're sitting on the couch. 
  • She loves to bask in the sunlight that shines through our window. I think she's trying to get a tan. 
  • Her favorite place to sit is our bedroom windowsill. She even destroyed our blinds so she has a nice little hole she can jump through to get there.
  • She likes Nick way more than me. It took her a very long time to warm up to me. Nick says he's the favorite because he changes her litter - he can keep that title.